Satisfied Customers in Over 50 Countries for over 90 years
We Speak English, Spanish
We not only speak two major languages but also speak agricultural machines. We know the equipment from planting to grain harvesting and can explain it in your language.

We Ship All Over the World
Our staff is well traveled and understands the requirements that are important to you. Equipment can be shipped fully assembled or SKD (Simi-Knocked-Down) in containers for you to assemble at the destination. Most USA dealers say they export, AHW says it exports but adds that we know what we are doing. Our export division exports and understands the requirements of most countries. We stand by you all the way.
We Know Overseas Markets
Our sales and service staff travels the world visiting farming operations. We understand your conditions and how to support you. Big agri-business operating overseas have found that quality low hour and late model used John Deere equipment from AHW is the most cost-effective equipment for their operations

We Know Overseas Markets
Our sales and service staff travels the world visiting farming operations. We understand your conditions and how to support you. Big agri-business operating overseas have found that quality low hour and late model used John Deere equipment from AHW is the most cost-effective equipment for their operations

US Agribusiness with Operations or Connections in other countries
US agribusiness with overseas operations will benefit from talking to AHW about requirements overseas. AHW can work with you on equipment recommendations. We can suggest how to import the equipment and support the equipment. We can even tell you the equipment best used in your country.

We are a large John Deere dealer with 19 Locations in the American grain belts with the resources to back what we say