Irrigation Equipment
Welcome to AHW Irrigation Equipment. AHW is pleased to announce its partnership with Valley Irrigation. AHW will be selling and servicing Valley Irrigation systems in Northeastern and Central Illinois and Western Indiana. With the widest range of irrigation equipment in the industry, Valley Irrigation has been "The Leader in Irrigation" for over 50 years. They offer multiple size pivots, linear and corner systems. Technology such as variable rate irrigation, remote management and tire pressure monitoring are available to control your system 24/7. Combine this with world class sales and service support from AHW and we are providing you "Tomorrow's Solutions Today". Contact the AHW store nearest you to learn more about Valley Irrigation today.
Find Your Valley Irrigation Store
Williamsport, IN - 765-762-3650
AHW also offers the following components and irrigation systems. Click below to learn more about Agri-Inject fluid injection or Kifco water reels.
1. "Second Generation Irrigation"
Irrigation is experiencing a "second generation" of growth. Initially, irrigation was used to bring marginal ground into production. Today, irrigation is being used to make premium ground realize full potential. Many of the soil types found in the Midwest can raise good crops with normal weather and rainfall, but will never reach full yield potential due to timing and amount of rainfall. Soils are subject to risk in years when low amounts of rainfall or extreme high temperatures severely limit yields. Irrigation, together with good surface or subsurface drainage, makes it possible to control rainfall amount and timing. You can irrigate to improve germination, activate chemical, incorporate fertilizer, apply fungicide, water during pollination, and add bushels during the ever important pod/kernel fill stage of plant development. New technology like remote monitoring, soil moisture probes and variable rate irrigation make it possible to apply water in over 5000 different management zones on a field. View and control your irrigation system remotely, upload site specific programs to your control system, and you are in charge of maximizing every aspect of your yield potential. Complete the online customer inquiry form today to find out more about what AHW and Valley Irrigation can do for you!
2. "Why Irrigate"
Lower price per acre than crop insurance, Reduce risk, Maximize yields, Apply fertilizer, fungicide, and herbicide, Grow value added crops (seed corn, vegetables,) Market future grain sales with more confidence, Plant fuller season hybrids, Faster Drydown (corn), Add Moisture to mature crops(soybeans), Better return than buying land, Handle manure or wastewater.