Operations Center provides simple, but powerful farm management tools that enable access to farm data anytime, anywhere through web, tablet, or phone.


  • Operations Center Mobile
    • Near-real time monitoring with more frequent equipment location and work totals updates
    • Filter and highlight fields, equipment, and flags quickly on the map
  • Operations Center web
    • Record work notes in Gen 4 Displays and Field Analyzer BetaEdit area worked in Field Analyzer Beta
    • Review and report on Harvest Identification (HID) Cotton data in Analyze
    • Easily setup equipment maintenance with maintenance plan templates
    • New Connections tool improves transparency and control of connected software companies

Near-real time monitoring with more frequent equipment location and work totals updates

Stay ahead of your team with near real-time visibility into equipment location and work progress. View totals and averages as work is occurring in the field to ensure quality and productivity.

Equipment location updates every 5 seconds* on the map for machines equipped with 4G MTGs.

View Terminal type in Equipment Details below the map to determine if your machine is equipped with a 4G MTG.

Work totals and averages update every 30 seconds* in Home and in the field details below the Map for machines equipped with a an active JDLink Connect subscription and Gen 4 display on software update 20-3 or later.

Agronomic map layers will continue to update at the same speed as it has in the past.

*Update time will vary based on cellular signal/coverage in your area.

Filter and highlight fields, equipment, and flags quickly on the map in Operations Center mobile

Locate fields, equipment, or flags of interest with new search and filtering capabilities on the Map. Once filtered, the results will be highlighted on the map to make them easy to identify.

 See where fields are located that match specific conditions such as fields tilled, but not yet seeded

 View a map of a client’s fields to better plan logistics

 Filter a map to find where a specific variety or product was applied

 Easily view flags where rocks need to be picked or fences need to be fixed across a farm

•  Locate machines currently working more quickly to plan the next work task

Record work notes in Gen 4 Displays and Field Analyzer Beta

Create more complete records with work notes. Add necessary details about fieldwork in the moment on the Gen 4 Display or after work is completed in Field Analyzer Beta. Once recorded, use the export button in Field Analyzer Beta to view a report that includes these work notes. Use work notes to:

• Include field conditions not already recorded with the operation

• Communicate why actual work deviated from the planned/contracted work

• Show work details relevant for sustainable practices

Work notes are available on Gen 4 Displays starting with software update 21-1.

Edit work notes and area worked in Field Analyzer Beta

The first editing functionality is now available in Field Analyzer Beta! Edit, add, or delete work notes and edit the area worked when viewing a map of a work event in the field. To get started editing, select the edit button in the Summary section below the map. Area Edits made in Field Analyzer Beta will update work data in other areas in Operations Center web and mobile. Work notes may be viewed and exported in reports in Field Analyzer Beta.

Expect to see editing capabilities in Field Analyzer added to Field Analyzer Beta. Look for release notes on that as more editing is made available in Field Analyzer Beta.

Review and report on Harvest Identification (HID) Cotton data in Analyze

Analyze now makes Operations Center the tool cotton growers need to take their operation to the next level. View past cotton harvest data in Analyze by total operation in one screen. Take a deeper dive to see how crop performed at the field, variety, machine, or individual module level. Quickly switch between Analyze and Field Analyzer Beta to visualize module locations compared with other layers such as yield. HID information will be available for machines using a Gen 4 Display or GreenStar 3 2630 Display and John Deere Harvest Identification Cotton Pro.

How to take advantage of HID Cotton data in Analyze:

  • Start making next season’s decisions faster by reviewing current cotton performance before the cotton is ginned
  • Prioritize fields and modules with the gin based on the yield results for the best profitability
  • Analyze with seed providers, agronomists and other trusted advisors to make the best decision next year
  • Export the appropriate view of data to PDF or XLSX file formats to share with trusted advisors and gins.

Easily setup equipment maintenance with maintenance plan templates

Save a custom maintenance plan as a template once you have completed a plan for a piece of equipment. This template can then be applied to other equipment in your fleet. Get started with this in Maintenance on Operations Center web.

New Connections tool improves transparency and control of connected software companies

Connections provides Operations Center users more transparency and control than before over where data flows. Connections replaces More Tools to give more details about connected software tools that can connect to an Operations Center organization.

To get started, select Connections under the Setup tab in Operations Center.

Easily see available software applications

The following image is the new look of Connections in Operations Center. This provides transparency of software applications connected to the organization. In this same location a user can easily browse what software applications are connected to the John Deere platform. Simply search by category, company, country or language. If you want to learn more about a software company before making a connection, click the Learn More button.

More insights with the Learn More feature

Not only does the Learn More button give you more insight to software company’s solution and a link to their website, we also provide transparency into what John Deere data the software company would like to access upon making a connection, as well as what data they provide back to the John Deere system.

Making the connection

Once a user decides to connect their data with the software company, they are a few clicks away from completing the connection. After selecting continue, you will select what the application can access.

Control which org data is shared

During the connections process, there are new steps that allow the user to control which organization’s data is shared with the software company. The following image shows how to grant access to specific partnered organizations.

See WHO made the connection

After the connection is complete, staff of the organization can manage the connection. While managing the connection, staff members have transparency into which team member created the software connection. This is visible when you select Connected Team Members.

Manage access levels of software companies

We are taking management of connections even further. After connection, staff members can manage the access level of the software company to the organization’s information. This is similar to how users can manage team members such as staff and partner access levels.

Manage staff access with Team management

For staff members and partners, you can control whether that team member can share the organization’s data via a software connection. This new permission is in the Organization Management section in Team management functions in Operations Center. The permission must be on (check mark) for the team member to share the organization data via a software connection.

Software connections now visible in Team

While managing your team you will also have transparency to which software companies have access to organization data. This is now visible in Team in Operations Center.

Download the Operations Center mobile for iOS® systems from the Apple® App Store® or for Android™ systems from the Google Play™ Store.

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